Monday, October 18, 2010


So, I made it through the procedure and it was not very pleasant! I am still trying to recover. For whatever reason I am not just cramping but this has triggered my back pains again! I was in a car wreak over a year ago and was pretty much fully recovered just every now and then my back would give me problems. I guess this has just triggered it again for some reason.

Gene left yesterday for San Francisco and won't be back till Friday. I really hate it when he travels and this time is especially hard because I am having to get everything ready for our Disney trip!! We leave on Friday to start our drive down there. Gene flies in at 3pm and we leave at 6pm. I am soooo stressed!!

Thank you to all who have prayed and helped me through this!! Patricia stayed with me last night and is helping me get things cleaned up and organized since Gene is gone. I honestly don't know what I would do without her!!!! She is the best! If there is anyone that can help me and keep me sane and make me laugh it is her, Gene and Leah! I am so blessed to have all of them but especially Patricia this week!!                                                       

I am praying that I can get everything together and that this pain will go away before we leave! Right now driving in the car just makes it worse! UGH! Oh well I will really enjoy this vacation though!!

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