Apparently I suck at the whole blogging thing. My last post was in May and it is October now. I guess I have a hard time just writing unless I have something really big weighing on me or going on with me or my family. I wish I was the kind of person who can blog everyday about the good and the bad. I feel like I am always just writing about the bad. So, here I go once again blogging about something that isn't happy and joyful. But this is a way that I can get my feelings out so here goes...
Things have been really good lately. I mean amazing! Little Victoria is growing strong and most of my medical issues have resolved themselves. The kids are finally settling well in school and Gene hasn't been too stressed at work. I have almost got the house in order for when little miss makes her appearance. So when I got a bad feeling about Gene leaving to go out of town on business I just thought I was being crazy. Should have know that I wasn't. Gene left at 6:30am and then I got myself and the kids ready to go to church. As I was turning off my street onto the main road I noticed something that has left me with a constant sick feeling in my stomach. My precious Tiger our pet cat that is really a member of the family was dead in the road.
I have been a mess all day! I have tried to keep it together for the kids but it has been so hard! He was my baby! There will never be another cat like him and that is for sure!! The kids are devastated. I so wish that Gene was home right now but he isn't. I tried to stay away from the house all day and wish I didn't have to be here right now. Every time I pulled up I just expected to see him run for the door only to be reminded that I will never see that again. I keep thinking that I am hearing him meowing at the door to get in and then have to remind myself that he isn't there it is just my imagination.
I know that it will get better but it is so hard right now and I know that he was just a pet but I feel like I have lost one of my babies. My heart is just hurting so bad and I don't know what to do to make it better. I walked into the kitchen tonight and filled up the water bowl for the other 2 cats and was reminded of how silly Tiger would not drink out of the water bowl he would put his paw in and scoop up the water. What I would give to see him do that again...
I just hope that tomorrow gets a little bit better. :(